crossspacer imageNew Christian UK

small green squaresquare spacerWHAT IS A CHRISTIAN?square spacersmall green square

spacer imagewhat is a christian

First, let's start by getting rid of some common misunderstandings.

Many people assume, wrongly, that all you have to do to become a Christian is:

small green squaresquare spacer believe in God

small green squaresquare spacer go to church

small green squaresquare spacer read the bible

small green squaresquare spacer pray

small green squaresquare spacer keep the Ten Commandments

small green squaresquare spacer walk on water (oops, I made that one up!)

So if the above definition is wrong, why is it wrong and what is a more accurate definition??

It's not what you do outwardly, or even a basic inward belief in "God", that makes you a Christian. Becoming a Christian is all about honestly recognising your urgent need for a changed life, inviting Jesus Christ to take charge and trusting him with your life, both now and beyond the grave.

A Christian is essentially someone who:

small green squaresquare spacerRECOGNISES the spiritual truth about who Jesus claims to be

small green squaresquare spacerACKNOWLEDGES their separation from God, because of their sin, and

small green squaresquare spacerASKS Jesus for God's forgiveness for all they've done wrong.

Perhaps you are thinking "but I'm a good person! What have I ever done that's wrong?"

Find out how good you are by taking the "Am I A Good Person" test?

If you feel you've done too much, Jesus offers you an answer

So what's the basis for Jesus' part in the above?

Jesus, as God's Son who existed from eternity, said about himself: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (The Bible, Gospel of John, Chapter 3 verse 16)

What's the alternative to a relationship with Jesus and what are the consequences?

Jesus also said about himself: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me." (The Bible, Gospel of John, Chapter 14 verse 6)

God gives mankind free will to choose their present way of life and future destiny. Only true love allows freedom of choice, otherwise we would all be programmed robots.

Heaven is a place of perfection because of God's holy presence, therefore no sin can be allowed to enter it. All who are attached to a sinful existence in this life take it with them to the next life. The only alternative spiritual destination to Heaven is Hell - no others exist.

God has no wish for human beings to end up in Hell, a place of permanent separation from God's loving presence. Nevertheless, all who end up in Hell are those who have chosen to reject God's offer of loving forgiveness and reconciliation through Jesus Christ in this life. If you are not yet a Christian, you have the opportunity to respond now to God's offer. Don't ignore it; one day it will simply be too late ... and you don't know when that day will be.

So what should I do now?

Examine carefully the following statements about yourself:

small green squaresquare spacer The Bible explains that all men and women are separated from God, because of their sin.

small green squaresquare spacer Therefore I am a sinner.

small green squaresquare spacer God wants to be friends with me, so that I will no longer be separated from Him because of my sin.

small green squaresquare spacer Jesus came from Heaven to solve this separation problem.

small green squaresquare spacer After his death, Jesus rose from the dead and is now alive.

small green squaresquare spacer Jesus is a friend of sinners. Therefore he is MY friend.

small green squaresquare spacer Jesus is now offering me a place in his kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.

small green squaresquare spacer I want to accept his offer, and tell him so.

If in your heart you agree with these statements and want to take it further, there is no reason why you should not now pray to Jesus as follows:

"Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, but I also understand that you are a friend of sinners.

I realise there many wrong things I have done in my life. For example............... (tell Jesus here the things you want to be forgiven of)

I believe that you rose from the dead, are now alive and are offering me a place in your kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven. I want to accept your offer. Please forgive my sins and receive me into your Kingdom right now. Amen."

If you sincerely prayed this prayer and meant it in your heart, be assured that Jesus heard you from Heaven and kept His promise to accept you into His Kingdom.

Once you have become a new Christian, there are several initial steps you should take:

small green squaresquare spacer Tell a sympathetic friend that you have become a Christian.

small green squaresquare spacer Get hold of a modern translation of the Bible (e.g. the "New International Version of the Bible" or the "Good News Bible") and start to read the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament (the back third section of the Bible). Then move on to the next two, the Gospels of Mark and Luke. These three Gospels explain all about Jesus and the way of life in His Kingdom. Before you read, pray to God and ask Him to help you understand what you read in the Bible.

small green squaresquare spacer Find a church in your area that you are comfortable with. When you go to a church, tell someone on their welcoming team that you have just become a Christian. Ask if they have a nurture group or discipleship group you could attend.

small green squaresquare spacer Be sensitive to what God will show you about how He wants you to live.

small green squaresquare spacer Share with a friend God's Rescue Plan - the Way to God

small green squaresquare spacer Return to this web site frequently and learn more about your new life.

**Level 4 - Questions You May be Asked**
FAQ master list of questions others ask FAQ - how can you prove that God exists? FAQ - isn't all truth equally valid
FAQ - has Christianity got it wrong? FAQ - why doesn't God stop suffering? FAQ - is Jesus the only way to God?
FAQ - can I get to Heaven by good deeds? FAQ - how does anyone get to Heaven? FAQ - how can you believe in the resurrection of Jesus?
FAQ - why is Jesus good news? FAQ - so what was special about Jesus? FAQ - what is a Christian?
FAQ - doesn't science contradict the bible?

Permission is granted to copy and distribute this page for non-commercial purposes. © Brian Johnson 2003-2020

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